Board Nominations 2024–2025

Join the Alliance Executive Board

Alliance is seeking self-nominations for multiple board positions to serve in the 2024-2025 year.  These positions are available due to our annual election process and new board members start in June in order to prepare for the academic year.  There is the opportunity for guidance during the transition into the position. 

Executive Board meetings are currently held on the 1st Friday of each month during long semesters from 12 - 1 p.m.  Member meetings are currently held on the 3rd Friday of each month during long semesters from 12 - 1 p.m.  Being a board member can be a positive environment for both support and involvement in influencing positive change.  

We hope you will consider supporting Alliance initiatives in this capacity.  If you have any questions, please email

President-Elect position description: 

The President-Elect shall preside in the absence of the President or if the President is unable to perform their duties.  The President-Elect will assist the President in their duties.  The President-Elect will oversee the functions of each Chair/Co-chair of any active committees. The President-Elect will serve as the Account manager for ALLIANCE, with the President as back-up in the event the President-Elect is unavailable or unable to fulfill their duties.

Communications Coordinator:        

The Communications Coordinator shall gather agenda items, and distribute an official record of the proceedings of ALLIANCE Executive Board and general membership meetings. The Communications Coordinator shall maintain official records.  As required by the Executive Board, the Communications Coordinator shall be responsible for ALLIANCE correspondence, except in those cases where the President or President-Elect determine that they have need of communicating directly with the University or ALLIANCE membership and committees. The Communications Coordinator will be responsible for organizing documents related to ALLIANCE activities. 


The Treasurer shall have charge of all monies of ALLIANCE and shall make a report at the Executive Board and general membership meetings of ALLIANCE. The Treasurer and President-Elect will be the Account managers for ALLIANCE.  The Treasurer will report to the President-Elect on the expenditures and processes related to the monies of ALLIANCE.

Outreach Coordinator:  

The Outreach Coordinator coordinates trainings and guest speakers through ALLIANCE on issues regarding the LGBTQIA community.

Marketing and Promotions Coordinator:

The Marketing and Promotions Coordinator is responsible for developing and implementing communications and advertising content for various media platforms.  They shall directly or through a committee, develop, use, and promote communication of ALLIANCE programs, activities, and events through available platforms, including websites and social media

Fundraising Coordinator:       

The Fundraising Coordinator is responsible for raising funds through activities such as grant writing, events, and/or Step Up for State.

Scholarship Coordinator:        

The Scholarship Coordinator is responsible for overseeing the process for ALLIANCE scholarships and awards.

Community Engagement Coordinator:          

The Community Engagement Coordinator serves as a liaison between ALLIANCE and the San Marcos LGBTQIA community about events to facilitate ALLIANCE’s involvement.

Which position are you self-nominating for: *