
Commencement- How to have your lived name used

If you would like your lived name announced at commencement, please email or reach out to your academic advising center for assistance.

Linked In Learning modules on LGBT+ inclusion

Alliance is unable to offer the Allies of Texas State training.  If you would like to be notified if/when workshops can resume, please email

LinkedIn Learning offers a variety of online workshops that provide understanding of the LGBTQ+ community and being an ally.  Go to TXST LinkedIn Learning website and log in. Use the search bar (what do you want to learn today?) at the top with key word LGBTQ+. It will produce a list of training modules to help you increase your inclusion at work.

Screenshot of LinkedIn website showing modules about LGBTQ+ inclusion at work

Have a resource suggestion?

Is there a resource you think would be useful to our community? Or something you'd like more information about?