Disciplinary Action
Can I appeal termination?
Yes, through the Human Resources grievance process.
Can I terminate an employee without contacting Human Resources, Employee Relations?
No, contact Human Resources, Employee Relations. Only 1) the president, vice presidents, deans and 2) associate vice presidents, assistant vice presidents, and directors that report directly to a vice president have authority to involuntarily terminate staff employees.
What reasons warrant disciplinary action?
Failure to comply with state or federal law; Regent’s rules, university policy, or department policy, Actions that interfere with university operations, Insubordinate acts, and any other behavior that undermines and employee’s work, professional relationships, or environment.
What steps do I take for termination?
First, make sure you have documentation of performance and or behavior, then contact Human Resources, Employee Relations for instructions.
What type of disciplinary actions are there?
Verbal reprimand, written reprimand, suspension without pay, reduction in pay, demotion, and termination.
Performance Improvement
Do I have to issue a performance improvement plan before termination?
No, A PIP is a tool to help improve the employee performance standard.
Is a 60 or 90 day PIP calendar days or working days?
Working days, the PIP is entered into SAP, then is tracked through time keeping.
Workplace Conflict
If I am having work-related problems with my supervisor, what should I do?
You can call Human Resources, Employee Relations for a consultation appointment.